Inspirations Come From All Places

Earlier this month my daughter-in-law celebrated her birthday and oh did I need inspiration of giving her something special.  Sure a gift card or money always works but I wanted something more creative, or at least something to add to a gift of money etc.  By chance on one of my face board groups, the inspiration came through.  I then turned to Pinterest to further my thoughts and ideas of how to assemble the creation of these apples and cut flower bouquets.  Then it was a trip to Trader Joe's to find the perfect of everything.  If you know Trader Joe's, their selection of cuts flowers are reasonable and of great variety.  Of course, finding the right choice took about two trips around, not only for the flowers and fillers but for the right size and coloration of apples to go with the small flowers I had picked.  I couldn't wait to get home to start to assemble.....

Now, I thought it would be a more difficult task than it actually turned out, as I didn't realize how easy the dowels would be to push into the end of the apple.  I did carved out a bit of the end before pushing in the dowel.  Maybe it helped and maybe it really wasn't that necessary.  In no time, I could see the charming results.  No, it probably wouldn't be to a professional standards but quite happy.  So was my daughter-in-law.  In fact, she was really thrilled.  That made me smile.  Yes, she also got a gift card attached to the bouquet, too!