Antique Twisted Wire Victorian Baby Rattle With Bells And Whistle

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Weight 1.00 LBS
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What baby of yesteryear wouldn't have been amused with this delightful rattle with its whistle & series of clanging bells. Made of rows & curlicues of twisted wire in a wonderful Victorian fashion. Attached small brass bells with a beads for clacking. Whistle in the end of the wood handle for blowing. What a beautiful wonder for its artistic style and purely Victoriana. Ah yes, but was a baby allowed to enjoy the wonderment of this perilous toy?

Wooden handle with whistle at the end.

The blue glass beads are attached to the bells with wire / metal loops.

Length of this precious toy is 10" long from the tip of the top bell to the base of handle.2-1/2" diameter at the widest point through the center.

Condition is very nice.