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A Happy New Year's Wish From A Time Past

A Happy New Year's Wish From A Time Past

Here is a gorgeous early 1900's embossed Victorian postcard. The die cut lithograph card is saluting a Happy New Year. A sweet colorful card of a boy with angel wings moving a large basket filled with blooms of roses and flowering tree. Sign post in background declares January 1. Written message on the back of the card from Mary Klein to Frank Kemp, Attica, Ohio. Postmarked from Tiffin, Oh…
Inspirations Come From All Places

Inspirations Come From All Places

Earlier this month my daughter-in-law celebrated her birthday and oh did I need inspiration of giving her something special.  Sure a gift card or money always works but I wanted something more creative, or at least something to add to a gift of money etc.  By chance on one of my face board groups, the inspiration came through.  I then turned to Pinterest to further my thoughts and i…