
Embellishments Trims ~ The Accent Of An Antique Or Vintage Dress

Embellishments! The extra touches and accents applied to a dress, be it appliques, insets of lace, lace trims, both of hand work or machine trim, or ribbon. All were applied to a Victorian or Edwardian dress, with many used in conjunction with each other. Dresses from both of these time periods were elaborately made and embellished.  All trims photographed are from the late Victorian…

Opulent In Blue Silk Velvet ~ A 1880's 2-Pc Bustle Back Dress

"Sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words."  How many times have we heard those words and, yet, pictures do tell a story.  In this case, a magnificent Victorian  dress from the late 1880's. Made of blue silk velvet fabric, the two piece bustle back dress is lavishly embellished with hand sewn cut steel beads.Breathtaking, isn't it.  The front of the bodice jacket show…

Oh, Wash Day Blues ~ Washing Antique Silk

Antique silk. How easy is it to wash and should you? Silk is classified as a natural fiber, so by all standards it can be washed, however, a word of caution, here, as there are silks that will not hold up when put to water, especially any of the weighed silks from the mid to late Victorian era. In my experience it is a hard determination on which items can be washed successfully, and which…
The Civil War ~ Victorian Wire Framed Bonnet Or Hat

The Civil War ~ Victorian Wire Framed Bonnet Or Hat

Recently a friend posed a question about wire framed bonnets from the Civil War.  She couldn't imagine wearing such a thing as she considered it uncomfortable.  This question did make me ponder.  Yes, indeed, women from the Victorian era did wear bonnets/hats made from a wire frame, embellished with lace, ribbon as well as a variety of other trims and materials.   The one she w…

Vintage Sold Treasures ~ Pretty Things To Share

The photos in this portfolio are a collection of textiles that The Gatherings Antique Vintage has sold in the past.   These moment-in-time items, some extravagantly opulent, many with utterly charming history, while others a source of inspiration, are a treasure trove, I would love to share.  Please enjoy.So purely elegant and so fashionable for a bride of the day circ late teens - early…

February's Finest ~ Country Primitive Antique Show, Nashville, Tn

I can't wait, and already saving the date, for next year to attend  the Heart Of Country, Fiddlers and Music Valley Country Antique Shows held in Nashville, Tn.  The three shows are held in conjunction with each other every February around Valentine's Day.   If you are a collector of country primitives, wow, this should be a "must" on your list.  In spite of the horrible w…